The aim of this meeting is to bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds (including mathematics and computer science) on the common theme of discrete curvature and to make an update on the many achievements of the last decade. We want to promote interaction between various fields, so topics and participants can and should be varied, as long as they fit under the main theme. They will include notably:
- local and global geometry
- remeshing
- curvature measures and probability methods, including optimal transportation
- discrete calculus
- special surfaces and integrable systems
- flows
- smoothing
- graph theory
- image processing.
The meeting will take place at the CIRM, in Luminy, near Marseille (France), from November 18th to the 22nd, 2013.
Organizing Committee:
Laurent Najman (ESIEE)
Pascal Romon (UPEMLV)
Scientific Committee:
Alexander Bobenko (TU Berlin)
Mathieu Desbrun (Caltech)
Leo Grady (Heartflow Inc.)
Rémi Malgouyres (U. d'Auvergne)
Jean-Marie-Morvan (Lyon 1)
Konrad Polthier (FU Berlin)
Karl-Theodor Sturm (Bonn)
l.najman @ esiee.fr
pascal.romon @ univ-mlv.fr
Support by:
CIRM, Labex Bézout, UPEMLV, ANR Kidico, ESIEE Paris, GDR IM