Discrete Curvature

Theory and Applications


A colloquium on discrete curvature

Conference schedule

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9:15- 9:30Pascal Romon and Laurent NajmanU. Paris-EstOpening and Colloquium Goals
9:30-10:20Ron KimmelTechnionOn computational curvatures and invariant metricsSlides
10:30-10:55Hugues Talbot U. Paris-EstCombinatorial Continuous Maximal FlowsSlides
11:00-11:30Coffee break
11:30-11:55Paul Baird U. de Bretagne Occidentale Constant mean curvature polytopes via projectionsSlides
15:30-16:20Tim Hoffmann TU MünchenOn a surface theory for quadrilateral netsSlides
16:30-16:55Atsushi Imiya Chiba U. Flow Surgery and Boundary in Digital Space Slides
17:00-17:30Coffee break
17:30-17:55Alexandra BacAix-MarseilleApplication of discrete curvatures to surface mesh segmentation and feature line extractionSlides
18:00-18:50Carl Olsson U. LundSecond Order Surface Regularization for Vision ProblemsSlides


9:30-10:20Pierre AlliezINRIA Sophia Robust Shape Reconstruction through Optimal TransportationSlides
10:30-10:55Jean-Marie Morvan and Xiang Sun U. Lyon and KAUST Curvature measures and normal cycleSlides
11:00-11:30Coffee break
11:30-11:55Xue-Cheng TaiU. Bergen A Fast Algorithm for Euler's Elastica Model Using Augmented Lagrangian MethodSlides
15:30-16:20Jan Stühmer TU München LP Relaxation for Curvature Regularization in Segmentation and InpaintingSlides
16:30-16:55Joseph Fu U. Georgia PL approximation of smooth functions of two variablesSlides
17:00-17:30Coffee break
17:30-17:55Matthias Keller U. Jena On the spectral theory of negatively curved planar graphsSlides
18:00-18:50Jürgen Jost Max Planck I. LeipzigNeighborhood graphs, Ricci curvature and optimal transport on graphs


9:30-10:20Facundo Memoli U. AdelaideGromov-Wasserstein distances and lower bounds
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-11:50Jan Maas U. BonnDiscrete Ricci curvature via convexity of the entropySlides
12:00-12:30Poster session
Free afternoon


9:30-10:20Olga Sorkine ETH ZürichVariational shape modeling with reality-inspired constraintsSlides
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-11:50Pooran MemariTelecom ParisTechGeometric aspects of the space of triangulationsSlides
15:30-16:20Yuri Boykov U. Western OntarioIntegral geometry approach to curvature-based binary segmentationSlides
16:30-16:55Melvin LeokUCSDSpacetime Finite-Element Exterior Calculus and its Applications to Multisymplectic Field TheoriesSlides
17:00-17:30Coffee break
17:30-17:55Yukiko KenmochiU. Paris-EstDigital shapes and their rigid transformations in a discrete spaceSlides
18:00-18:50Helmut Pottmann King Abdullah U. of Science and TechnologyRelative discrete curvatures and self-supporting structuresSlides
19:30Special dinnerBouillabaisse!


9:30-10:20Jacques-Olivier Lachaud U. SavoieMultigrid-convergence of digital curvature estimatorsSlides
10:30-10:55Mikhail Skopenkov King Abdullah U. of Science and Technology Discrete Riemann surfaces - linear discretization and its convergenceSlides
11:00-11:30Coffee break
11:30-11:55Felix GüntherTU BerlinDiscrete complex analysis on quad-graphsSlides
14:30-15:20Emil SaucanTechnionMetric Ricci Curvature and Flow for PL ManifoldsSlides
15:30-15:55Ivan IzmestievFU BerlinVariational properties of the discrete Hilbert-Einstein functionalSlides
16:00-16:30Coffee break

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